Miyake Taiko Workshops with the Tsumura's: March 18 & 19 and Private lesson


Full Day Intensive
Saturday, March 18th
10:00am - 2:00pm workshop part 1
2:00pm - 4:00pm break
4:00pm - 7:00pm workshop part 2
Workshops part 1 & 2 cover instruction from the basic rhythms and sticking to advanced skills.
price: $150 (includes both part 1 & 2)
Sunday, March 19th
10:00am - 1:00pm - Osarai-ka (reviewing) and focus more on 1-on-1 instruction.
price: $60
REGISTER →https://store.asano.us/products/miyake-taiko-workshop-march-18-19


Private lesson


Week day( 3/14-3/17)12:00-20:00

price: $60/1h

Schedule:Please feel free to ask.     taiko@asano.us
