LATI and Asano Taiko US Virtual Concerts
Dear Community,
We hope that you are healthy and well during this long pandemic. Though we miss our community tremendously, Asano Taiko US Staff members are healthy and keeping our hopes high for the brighter future.
Today, we would like to announce two virtual concerts to be held in late January! LATI Students and Asano Taiko US Friends have been practicing and are coming together to present to you 2 separate concerts that are viewable from the comfort of your home.
“The Art and Study of Taiko” - Virtual Concert
January 23, 2021 - 7pm PST
LATI’s annual Recital is now going to be online! This concert will be streamed only once and limited to 500 tickets, so tell your family and friends to purchase quickly (this concert has been known to sell out every year)!
“Asano Taiko US and Friends” - Virtual Concert
January 24, 2021 - 3pm PST
Taiko groups from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Spain, and the United States come together from around the globe to share their passion for taiko despite the COVID situation. This concert will remain active for a month (Expires 2.24.2021), and ticket numbers are unlimited.